Tuesday, February 19, 2013

This is the photo, before I edited it!

Here it is after I used the Clone Stamp, the Patch Tool, the Healing brush and the Blur Tool in Photoshop!

Friday, February 15, 2013

This is a Wordle describing the color yellow. We looked at several colors, and decided what color we were most like. I am yellow becuase I am happy, I love to laugh, I'm friendly, forgiving and every other thing mentioned above!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

This is before I edited the photo...

This is the same photo after I edited it!

The photo is Kei Kamara scoring a goal!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Collaborative Prezi

. This Prezi is over the Elements of Design!

QR Codes!

I got to make a few QR codes today!
This goes to the CYT website. It is the community theater that I do!
This goes to my pinterest page! I pin things too often!
This final QR code takes you to qrstuff.com which is where you can make your own QR codes! Enjoy!

Monday, February 4, 2013

My favorite SuperBowl commercial was probably the Clysdesdales: Brotherhood or Fashionista Daddy! They cracked me up! The Coke Chase was pretty funny too! I was super disappointed about how inappropriate some of the commercials were especially the Go Daddy! ones. I watch the SuperBowl for the ads, I do not want to see that stuff.