Thursday, May 9, 2013

Final Project

Here is my final project. I created a cereal box, with me as the spokes person!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


We've been working on websites for our digital portfolio. Here is the address for mine!Enjoy!


Here is my one liner Voki!

Friday, May 3, 2013

SMN tagxedo

Photo Clipping Mask

Welp, this is awkward, but apparently I never uploaded this. Oops! So sorry.

This is a photo I put behind a word that described my photo. I had a lot of fun learning how to make this. Unfortunately, people's faces don't work behind the words very well. Oh well.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Besler Motion Blur

I added motion blur to a photo in Photoshop today!

This is the original of Matt Besler from Sporting KC!

This is the same photo after I added the motion blur.

I still have a lot of learning to do to make this perfect, but this is fairly decent.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


This is a mix of the soundtrack of, "The Lord of the Rings." I really love the soundtrack, and enjoyed mixing the music. I couldn't decide what music to mix, and since I am merely a beginner at mixing music, I didn't want to do songs with words. Enjoy!